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Reneicia Frazier
  • Reneicia Frazier

    "I am a BEAUTIFUL BROWN BOLD WOMEN because I never give up even when my world is collapsing around me. "
    • About Me

      My name is Reneicia Frazier. I am 5'7, 31 and a IT Business Analyst. I graduated from Duquesne University with a Bachelors in Digital Media and Communication and a Bachelors in Psychology.  I am a BEAUTIFUL BROWN BOLD WOMEN because I never give up even when my world is collapsing around me. I've worked hard for everything that I have, and I will always strive to be successful in everything that I do. Yet, I am aware that even obtaining the success I desire can’t stop life and its many challenges.  There were 2 events in my life that I would say changed me the most. The first life changing event was 12/20/12. It took me 5 years, long hours and 3 jobs to finally pay off my balance so I could finish my last semester and walk across that Duquesne University stage. I was working a demanding full-time job while going to school full-time. I remember getting in that processional line, listening to the music and balling my eyes out because I finally made it.  I called my Poppy and said we did it. I fulfilled our dream and sent him a picture of me in my cap and gown. He died 2 weeks later from stage 4 cancer.  At the moment event 2 happened, I was at the top of my modeling game, and my career. Life was grand until I woke up strapped down, in a cast and wearing a neck brace from a car accident on August 9th 2015. I ended my 2015 jobless and learning to walk again.  Yet, all is not lost because my determination, positive attitude and resilience has allowed me to get out of my wheelchair and walking on a cane into 2016. Those life experiences plus others have given me the knowledge to help people who have gone through tough situations. Through it all, I've learned to continue to smile, look on the brighter side of life, and motivate whoever I can along the way.  One should know that I have more substances to my personality than just sugar and water. So believe me when I say that my current life lemons will be lemon meringue pie soon. Just watch, because I am a BEAUTIFUL BROWN BOLD WOMEN.

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