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Tracie Washington
  • Tracie Washington

    "My name is Tracie Washington and I exemplify a beautiful, brown, bold woman because I take pride in my appearance, I embrace my African American features and I take on this challenging life, filled with adversity, every day, confident that I will be more successful than the day before."
    • About Me

      As a beautiful, brown, bold woman in the Pittsburgh Region I have experienced many challenges.  I am a single mother of two boys and childcare costs played a huge part in the struggles that I encountered.  As I have navigated through this crazy life, I never lost sight of my goals to finish college and to become gainfully employed.  Through research, determination and family support I found ways to attend college and remain within my budget.  Although it was extremely difficult at times, I persevered.  In May 2015, I graduated from Point Park with a Bachelors in Business.  I started a support group called Queens Raising Kings to share my stories and offer support and encouragement to other single mothers with similar struggles.  After graduation, I was unemployed for several months although I diligently looked for work.  I was discouraged, but I never gave up.  After nearly 4 months of being unemployed I received an opportunity to work for Carnegie Mellon University in the University Advancement department.  It was just the break I need to help me to become financially stable and to prepare myself for my next level of education.  I was just recently accepted to Carnegie Mellon University’s graduate program and will begin my journey to obtain my Master’s degree in Public Policy & Management beginning March 2016.  Instead of letting my adversities get the best of me and tear me down, I now take the opportunity to use each situation as a building block to make me stronger.  So today, I hold my head high as a BEAUTIFUL, BROWN, BOLD WOMAN that will continue to accomplish goals and influence other women to do the same.

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