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Latrice Andrews
  • Latrice Andrews

    "I am a BBB Woman because I have survived many stereotypes that swarm black women, while keeping my head to the sky, and always looking for positive ways to improve me and my family's lives."
    • About Me

      My name is Yolanda "Lovey" Andrews. I am 5'8, 33 years old, and a Medical Records Examiner. I come to Pittsburgh by way of Johnstown, Pa. I officially relocated to the area in August 2009, at the height of the recession and the year I decided to embark on a new journey. Strapped with an Associate's degree in Medical Office Administration, I began job hunting assuming with big wig medical companies located a few miles away, I would land a job in no time. I was wrong. I decided to switch my focus up and enroll with CCAC's Criminal Justice program in January 2010, as a full time student. Shortly there after, life happened. With a weak support system, the demands of home and work, my education took a back seat. But i always remained determined. In May 2015 I walked across that graduation stage, degree in tow. 
      I no longer struggle with being here in Pittsburgh with no immediate family in the vicinity. I have recently became engaged and I have developed a strong relationship with my in laws. Through social media, I have networked and currently am an active member of Pittsburgh Brown Mamas. It is a meaningful group of brown moms uniting and supporting one another. It is run by an amazing woman, Muffy Mendoza.

      With the initial 2 steps successfully completed, my goal is to continuously move forward in my quest to become a Pittsburgh Police Officer recruit.

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