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Jamyce Patterson
  • Jamyce Patterson

    "I am a Beautiful Brown BOLD woman because I embody strength, determination and encouragement to all young ladies to know their self worth and reach for the stars."
    • About Me

      My name is Jamyce Patterson, I am a minister's wife, a mother to a beautiful baby girl and a business owner, In Divine Style Boutique and PGH Fashion Fridays. I am a Beautiful Brown BOLD woman because I own my worth, in personal and business. I am living the American dream but by no means was this easy. I have overcame many adversities from getting paid considerably less than my counterparts for the same position to being "let go" from a major healthcare corporation in an unethical manner. For months with no pay, I fought desperately to regain my good name. After 3 months of a long fight, I was awarded retroactive pay and justice.  Although this was a horrible experience in my life, it allowed me to take charge of my future and start several businesses. Like many others, I decided to use this injustice to make me stronger and more dedicated to fulfilling my dreams.  As I still face many challenges due to the color of my skin, it has shaped my life for the betterment of my family.  I have persevered through closed doors and shut windows and will continue to give my daughter and the next generation of Beautiful Brown BOLD women a voice to dream big. 

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