My name is Jacqueline Williams. I am 34, 5'3, and a Intake Representative. Ever since I was a child, I wondered what my purpose was in life. I knew I wanted to be better than the situation I was in. Being brought up in a single parent home can be tough for any child, but it was even more challenging seeing my mother, the woman who I love and adore struggle with alcohol addiction. As a child, I held in a lot of anger and resentment towards my mother but as I got older, I learned to be more empathetic. I found ways to help instead of hinder the situation. I realized how hard it was for my mom to be battling this disease while trying to raise her children as best as she could. My challenges came sooner than I thought. I got pregnant at 16 years old while I was a junior in high school and became a victim of domestic violence. I thought my life was over. Seeing and hearing the negative reactions from the people I encountered completely broke my spirit. I felt like I was stuck, suffering in life with nowhere to go. But, my faith in God and the love and support I got from my mother lifted my spirits. I graduated high school with honors, continued my education and earned my Associates degree. From that point on, I knew that if I surrendered to challenge, it would break me. I then realized my purpose. My purpose in life is to help others. I will continue to work on becoming a better person in all aspects of my life when it comes to my faith in God, family, friends and the people I encounter on a daily basis. Some of the daily challenges I face are: teaching my 15 yr old son who suffers from ADHD and depression his worth and not letting him fall victim to the streets, helping my daughters know that they are beautiful black women and deserve to be treated as such, and saving the lives of patients who are critically ill. I am a Beautiful, Brown, Bold Woman who aspires to teach others that there is life after being broken.