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Bilita McIntosh
  • Bilita McIntosh

    "Charm is deceitful and beauty fades but a women who fears the Lord shall be praised."
    • About Me

       My name is Bilita McIntosh and I am a BEAUTIFUL BROWN BOLD WOMAN. I am blessed to serve as a Computer Science College Instructor and a Plus Size Model.   I am born and raised in Pittsburgh, PA and I am grateful.   The most challenging and most life giving experience is when I lost my job. It resulted in my being homeless for a year.  I found a job but could not find a place to live. I made to much to be considered for an assistance and didn't make enough for  housing at the time. I was so ashamed at times and did not tell anyone what I was going thru until I was forced to.  I never thought I would be in that situation but I was.   I resorted to sleeping on couches of family members and friends living out of my car at times. I work 3 jobs  at the same time and it is not easy but  I am getting back on my feet and now pursuing plus size beauty pageants to bring awareness to issues concerning our society such as homelessness and many other issues that plague our society.  I learned that there are good people in this world , that family is everything and never judge someone by appearance, you never know what someone is going thru.  Most important I learned how to love more.   I am beautiful because of my heart, I am brown because of my heritage but I am BOLD because I survived.

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