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Ahmonique Washington
  • Ahmonique Washington

    "I am a BBB woman as I am an African American who loves my culture, and represent my culture well as  I am a great person inside and out and am always willing to help the next person reach his or her goals in order for him or her to overcome adversity."
    • About Me

      Beautiful, Brown, and Bold…That is Me!

      I believe that “I AM” one of Pittsburgh’s 100 Beautiful Brown and BOLD models, because I am just that!!! I take pride in being an African America women from Pittsburgh, approaching and overcoming the many adversities that comes with being a beautiful brown sister from Pittsburgh. For instance, I grew up in Braddock Pennsylvania where there are many women that do not make it out of the “hood” without becoming drug addicts, becoming incarcerated, or should I just say, who do not make it out alive (meaning actually living with a purpose) or without becoming a statistic. So far, I have done just the opposite…I have boldly taking a stance against being just a statistic…I have guided my life with realizing and knowing without a doubt that:  

      I AM BEATIFUL: Yes, I am physically beautiful however I take more pride in being  beautiful within as I seek to treat others with the upmost respect and loyalty, and also to exist with self-worth. I have been through so much in life and have managed to remain a beautiful person who loves helping others help themselves. I am the type of person that would give someone the shirt off of my back, if having my shirt would help that person to become one step closer to becoming better, getting what he or she needed, or meeting his or her goal.

      I AM BROWN: I love the skin that I am in! No matter what society says, I love my culture and am proud to be African American. Many people would rather be of a different race or live within a different culture simply because of the stigmatism (such as blacks: are lazy, abuse the welfare system, kills their own people, etc.) that is associated with being “black” or being “African America.” However, I am simply excited about being brown!!! I am proud that I can place another face to what it means to  be “black or African American”  by “modeling” what it means to be a hard working black women who never gives up.

      BOLD IS ME: as I have beat the odds which no one expected me to beat.  I have fought through the forest to overcome the many systems that “can” break a child’s spirit and limit her to being only a statistic in adulthood; such as being in the foster system at the age of 5, having drug addicted parents, and having a mother who has been in and out of prison my entire life. Instead of being a statistic, I was bold enough to take control of my life and holler back at society when it attempted to shout at me time and time again… “How dare you beat the odds when you were supposed to be nothing more than what you have come from?” And, I simply continue to stand strong with my chest poked out and scream from the bottom of my lungs back at society… “I am bold enough to take control of my life and know that my God who is within me is greater than what you have limited me to.” I have obtained my Master’s degree and teaching certification, purchased a home, and have had the honor of actually being a mother. Not just giving birth but actually raising my children and being in their lives. I have managed to beat the odds…although life situations has marked me at a young age as worthless or damaged, but I was BOLD…just ENOUGH to never give up and to approach life’s situations head on.

      With this being said, I am deeply honored that I have been selected as one of Pittsburgh’s 100 Beautiful Brown and Bold models. It is my  pleasure to continue to positively stand in unison with the other 99 Beautiful Brown and Bold women as we positively, Boldly, and humbly represent the City of Pittsburgh with class.  

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